Saturday, September 29, 2007

MLB.TV - Watch Baseball Online

If you're a fan of baseball, then you need to know about MLB.TV. It is a service on that let's you watch and listen to almost every MLB game online. It costs $15 or $20 month, and that also gives you access to Gameday Audio ($15 a year if purchased separately), which lets you listen to every single radio feed from every baseball team. The streaming is very good quality, and it's great for watching games away from home, especially if you're away at college, like me. You have to be careful about blackouts, though. You can't watch games with teams from cities that are nearby. For example, if you try to watch the Mariners games while you're in Seattle, it won't work. You can check on their website if you're blackedout from a certain team.

Overall, I've been using this service for 2 months now, and it has been great. If you're away from home, and love baseball, I can highly recommend this service.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007's New MP3 Download Service

For those of you who want another service to download music from besides iTunes, you'll love Amazon's new mp3 store. The best part: the songs are coded in 256 kbps bit rate, and are DRM free. That means you can play them in Windows Media Player, iTunes, or any other player/portable media player. And the songs are only $0.89-$0.99, or about $8 per album, making this much better than iTunes in my opinion. It says it's in beta, but it looks good.

Check it out here.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Google Pack - One-Stop Shop Freeware

Because I'm a college student, I don't have much money. Therefore, when I can get free software, I take it. I found out about the google pack a little while ago. It's basically a one-stop download for solid free programs. You can get Google Earth, Picassa, Spyware Doctor, and a bunch of other programs. I like that you can pick exactly which programs you want, and then download them all at once. If you like freeware, check out the Google Pack.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Great Forum for Webmasters

If you're like me, you've got your own blog or website. But sometimes you need a little help, or want to converse with some other webmasters. If so, check out the Digital Point Forums. It's the most active webmaster forum I've seen. You can ask for reviews of your site, talk about ways to market your site, or find out the best ways to insert ads into your blog. I've learned a ton from hanging out should too.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Ruckus: Free, Legal Music for College Students

If you're in college, and want some free music, and you want it to be legal, then you need to know about Ruckus. All you need is your .edu email address to get started. You have to download their player, which shows a few ads while it plays. Then you go their website, and download all the music that you want, encoded at 192 k, which is pretty good quality. And these aren't no name bands, either: these are the real things. The are only a couple catches. First, you can't put your music on an mp3 player, because of DRM. And second, you must renew the licenses to your songs every month (free of course), which is really easy, basically just clicking a button.

Learn more at

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Write Reviews, Earn Money

SharedReviews is a site that pays you to write reviews on pretty much anything, ranging from mp3 players to video games systems to deodorant. For every 5 reviews you write, you get $10. And the reviews don't have to very long; just 750 characters. I've submitted 6 reviews so far, and not one has been rejected. Click the button below to join, and you'll get one free review credit (worth $2). Or you can just go to, click join, and enter my nickname, tribefan, to get your free credit.

Join SharedReviews

Monday, September 10, 2007

Sweet T-Shirts

There are tons of t-shirt sites on the web. So what are the best places to find cool, crazy, and funny shirts? Here are my favorites:

1) Snorg Tees - This is my favorite t-shirt store. They have tons of funny and creative designs, focusing mostly on popular culture. And there's a new shirt every week.

2) Nerdy Shirts - If you're a self-proclaimed geek, than you'll love Nerdy Shirts. They have a lot of computer/video game related shirts that all computer buffs will appreciate. Plus a 30 day money back guarantee.

If you're interested in finding more great tees, or want more in depth reviews, then check out my other site, Aaron's T-Shirt Review.

Think I missed a great t-shirt site? Leave a comment and let me know.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

New iPods!

Apple announced a few new iPods today! Every iPod has a new version coming out, some as soon as this weekend. The shuffle got new colors. The nano got a better screen, and you can now watch movies on it. The iPod classic has an enormous hard drive. Best of all: the touch-screen iPod! It looks like the iPhone, only a little slimmer. Probably the coolest thing is the support for WiFi, and the inclusion of the Safari browser! That means you can surf the web, watch YouTube, and download tunes right from your iPod!

Visit for more info about the press conference.

Check out some pics of the goodness: nano, iPod classic, and touch-screen iPod!


Hey guys, my name is Aaron, and this is my blog. I'm hoping to let you know about a bunch of stuff, including cool websites, new technology, and any other sweet things I can find. Stay tuned, and I hope you enjoy it.