Saturday, January 5, 2008

Traffic is Going Up!

It's kind of cool to see the slow increase in traffic that my blog is getting. Back when I first started blogging, I was lucky if I even got one visitor per day. Now I'm consistently getting over 40 unique visits a day! I'm pretty pleased with the traffic I'm getting from Google. About 70% of my traffic now comes from searches. It's good to see that my blog got indexed pretty quickly, and even has some very high listings in Google. As I write this, my post about Linkreferral is the 3rd listing in Google for the search "linkreferral"! Hopefully I'll see my traffic continue to grow.

I think it helps that I try to update pretty frequently, at least a couple times per week. Google knows that I'm active, and checks and indexes my blog pretty often.

I'd be interested to hear about how you found my blog, if you want to leave a comment below.


Anonymous said...

You have a very cool blog here…loved the content.
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Anonymous said...

Found you on Linkreferral, and soon after subscribed to your feed. Great site and content.